Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Rest and Reflection

I have heard it said that if you don’t Sabbath yourself, then God will Sabbath you. So, I got sick this week. I sat around the house reading, watching movies, thinking, praying. It was awesome. Now it’s not that I like being sick. It usually drives me nuts that I can’t get anything done, but on the other hand God will allow me to get sick when I haven’t taken time to really reflect and pray and read to hear his voice. When I don’t take time to just sit and be – not do – be. So the past few days I have been able to get my arms around my thought life, my emotional life, and my spiritual life. It’s so easy to just forget that Christianity is not a faith of “do,” but it’s a faith of done. So for the past few days, I have sabbathed (not in the Old Testament sense, but in the rest sense) and remembered that I am a child of the King. Do you ever notice how the Bible is always telling us to “remember?” So, I remembered.