OK. Just so we're clear....Jesus did not come to establish earthly politics. He taught that His kingdom was of another world (John 18:36).
Jesus is not a Republican. Jesus is not a Democrat. Jesus is not an American.
God has blessed America but this does not mean that God prefers America.
In the Scriptures there are 2 Kingdoms. The Kingdom of Man and The Kingdom of God. Believers in Jesus are Citizens of both kingdoms. Jesus Said in another place "render to Caesar the things that are Caesars and to God the things that are God's" (Luke 20:25). This means that we have responsibilities as citizens of both kingdoms but these two kingdoms are separate kingdoms.
I get a little nervous when Christians start putting God and politics together (Like the painting of Jesus laying hands on George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln) as if Jesus is with us more than Africans or Iraqi people.
The mission of the church is not to “turn this nation back to Christian values” or “get prayer back in schools” but to make disciples of all nations.
What if the millions of dollars spent on “fighting for 10 Commandments monuments” were instead spent on reaching unreached people groups with the gospel? What if all of the $ spent on American Christian political battles were spent on feeding the worlds poorest people?
America is one of the nations in the "kingdom of man" and we should be the best of citizens in this country. We should vote with Christocentric world view and obey the laws of this government as long as those laws do not conflict w/ the gospel. But this does not mean that we should make it our agenda as Christians to get Christians in office. Martin Luther once said "I would rather nominate a Jew that understands justice than a Christian who does not." The emphasis of the New Tesament is that the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Man directly intersect when the apostles tell us to obey and pray for the authorities (1 Pet. 2:13-17). Obey and pray.
Jesus is a king of a different kingdom than the USA.
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