Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Holy Week Wednesday

On Wednesday, in the Passion Week of Jesus, the scriptures are silent. Because nothing is recorded, today’s devotion will not come from passion texts like the other days. It is often called “Dark Wednesday.” It seems that Jesus did nothing significant this day. It was a day after the day of controversy with the religious leaders and is possibly the day that Judas made the deal with the religious leaders to betray Jesus. Imagine Jesus for a moment in his humanity on this day. He knows the fate that awaits Him. He knows one of his best friends had betrayed him. This is a day of sorrow for him.

Read Isaiah 52:13-53:12.

This is an ancient prophecy of Christ’s life, character, and work. He was a man of sorrows (53:3).

He knows. He has suffered. Just like you….more than you.

Think about your Savior’s grief today. In your grief will you follow him to the cross?

Prepare to meet Him there today, everyday, and profoundly at Living Stones Good Friday services.

Friday April 10- 6:00p & 7:30p (Robb Campus)

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