As we continue in John, Jesus' ministry heats up. It's providential that this is the scripture we're looking at now, given that the fall is typically the season of the most church growth. Yet, is the church growing the way Jesus would intend? Let's take a look at what he says and align ourselves with Him and His mission... on His terms. Open up to John chapter 4.
4:1 - Jesus made a lot of Disciples. If there is no conversion growth, then you are not making disciples the way Jesus did. He was actively seeking and saving the lost, always concerned with the lost sheep, lost coin and lost pearl (see Luke 15) rather than pleasing and appeasing the unsatisfied religious.
4:6 - Jesus went to gathering places of the community in which he was seeking to make disciples. In this case, it was the local well. Evangelism is part of discipleship. Where are you going to accomplish this? Maybe it's time to get creative. Your cowardice might be more dire than you think.
4:7 - Jesus starts the conversation with the potential disciple talking about “non-spiritual” things. It goes to show you... kingdom investment is more about obedience (in this case, opening your mouth) than eloquence.
4:10 - Jesus moves the conversation to the spiritual realm, moving her to his person and work after establishing understanding and trust. After you begin a relationship with a seeker, make sure you know where it is you want to end up (hint: it should be Jesus).
4:14-18 - Jesus talks to her about her personal need of spiritual life and forgiveness of sin. Some people think that talking about ' felt needs' is a form of evangelical coersion. Jesus calls it conversion. Can't avoid the truth that we are people who are in great need of an all-sufficient Savior.
4:21-26 - Jesus disciples this woman in the ways of true worship and identifies himself as Savior. A good shepherd makes himself known, whether it be subtly or overtly. In this case, overtly.
4:31-38 - Jesus teaches his disciples that discipleship is about doing the will of God. The disciples are caught up in their own business and are not aware of the lost people coming their way. Jesus is concerned for the lost—not the food. The disciples are concerned about the food—not the lost. He tells them, “I sent you to reap…” Where are you in the spectrum?
4:41-42 - The one whom Jesus disciples, disciples others. It will never end with you... so don't let it.
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