We're going to continue examining the background of the book of Colossians. Let's take a look at the readership.
The readers of the book of Colossians are from the church in Colossae. They are referred to as the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae (1:2). These saints have heard the Word of Truth—the Gospel (1:5)—which was bearing fruit among them since the day they understood it and they were being taught by Epaphras who lived among them as a faithful minister of Christ (1:6-8). Throughout the letter, the apostle Paul exhorts the Colossians in the doctrine of the preeminence of Christ and the type of living that flows from that doctrine. It is possible that this may have been an exhortation for encouragement to continue doing what they are already doing, but more likely the Colossians were abandoning the doctrine of Christ for a false teaching that had come in among them. This false teaching taught them false doctrine about Christ and about worship of angels and Jewish traditions, which flow from visions received by the false teachers. In turn, their lifestyle was not in accordance with the doctrine of Christ, but based on legalism and earthly philosophies (2:16-23). Paul exhorts them in true Christian living flowing from the life one has in Christ (3:1-4,6).
Take some time today and examine your life. What is it that you're turning to? What are you attempting to replace with Christ? Empty legalism or philosophies? Name them, put them on paper. Repent and turn to Christ, your only life=giver and healer of religion.
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