Colossians 1:14 tells us that Christ is the one “in whom we have redemption.” In Colossians 1:22, we see the result of the redemption of Christians is to be saved from sin to make them “holy and blameless and above reproach” before God. A believer is able to be holy and blameless and above reproach before God because he is connected to the person and work of the preeminent Christ. The redemption that Christ provides is like no other. Wayne Grudem explains the redemption Christ provided this way:
“Because we as sinners are in bondage to sin and Satan, we need someone to provide redemption and thereby ‘redeem’ us out of that bondage. When we speak of redemption, the idea of ‘ransom’ comes into view. A ransom is the price paid to redeem someone from bondage or captivity. If we ask to whom the ransom was paid, we realize that the human analogy of a ransom payment does not fit the atonement of Christ in every detail…. It is sufficient to note that price was paid (the death of Christ) and the result was that we were ‘redeemed’ from bondage. ” [1]
In other words, our ransom was not paid to Satan for our redemption. Although, as sinners, we are held captive by sin and Satan because of our rebellion toward God, our ransom was paid to the Father in order to clear us of our grievous offenses toward him and free us from our imprisonment to sin and Satan.
The fact that we were bought with a price ought to change the way we live life, don't you think? We are not our own anymore. And why would we want to be? Without Christ's redemption, we are building our personal silos in the kingdom of darkness, already prepared for destruction. It's sheer futility. Christ's rescue frees us to live in submission to him. We go to our jobs day in and day out working for his fame; we go to school to know him, know his truth in all things and make his truth known; we raise our kids that they may know and love him; we give generously because it all belongs to him, anyway. A redeemed life is a re-purposed life—all for him.
God is totally using this teaching to transform my view of God and give it away. It's cliche' to say.. its better to give than receive. But It's so true! I am never so satisfied or full of joy than when I hear God's voice and obey. It's the joy of the hammer hitting the nail. Right on Harvey!
I feel so glad and blessed I came across your blog! My husband and I just bought a business in Reno and I was searching Reno blogs...I'm blessed to have found this blog! Thank you!
Great to hear from both of you. I am blessed that God is using it in your life!
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