Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Living Stones Q&A - #6

Picking up where we left off - a few months back Living Stones hosted a Question & Answers night and received over a hundred questions. Many of them were addressed during our gatherings and can be found on our podcast here. For the next few weeks I will be posting up answers to some of the remaining questions that were not answered. Answers for the questions have been provided by various Living Stones Elders.

Does being in the military go against living a life fully for God's purpose?
No... as long as it is done for the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31). In fact, a deacon from our church just recently returned after serving in the military in Afghanistan. We received updates from him stating that God is using him in significant ways over there.

Would you consider the "plan b" pill as an abortion and against the bible?
The Bible is clear that sex outside of marriage is a sin. For the sake of the question we will assume the person asking the question is married. This is an interesting question from a married couple. My understanding is the "plan b" pill was made for rape victims or those who weren't planning on having sex, to prevent the life of an unborn child. The Bible is pro-children.

Isn’t prayer, simply prayer? Are the prays of a Mormon or a JW heard by God? What about prayers from a Christian with confessed sin?
God is sovereign and therefore hears all prayers. The question is what does God think about prayers prayed to another God? Mormon's and JW's don't believe in the Triune God of the Bible. The prayers of a Christian confessing brings God joy.

Is anal sex a sin?
Again, for the sake of the question we will assume we are talking about sex within marriage between and man and a woman. The Bible does not speak specifically about anal sex. In general the Bible states that the purpose of sex is for procreation, intimacy, and enjoyment. While anal sex directly is not a sin, it would be beneficial within the marriage to discuss where the desire is coming from. Pornography or past sexual sin could be the root of the desire and therefore those desires could be sinful.

Is it okay to drink if you are under the age of 21? And if not why?
No. The Bible says to be under the authority of the land. (Romans 13:1-7) God helps institute government and law and therefore we should not only respect the secular law, but abide by it as well.

What is a good scripture that would help in the healing process to not feel shame of ones past while in church?
2 Corinthians 5:21

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