Alright... we're nearing the end. These questions are great, everyone. Keep them coming.
- HT
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Q: If God created everything, how was He created? Why does He get to choose how life is?A: God was never created. He has always existed as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. One God in three persons. This is hard for us to wrap our minds around because everything we know had a beginning point, but that is why He is God and we are not. He gets to choose how life is because he created life; he sustains life and will continue to exist because he says so. It is humbling for us as humanity to know that our lives do not exist for us, but for Him. But if you think about it, it makes sense. It would be sort of silly if God created all life and then made it all about us – small, finite creatures who have nothing to do with either the creation of this world or the sustaining of it.
Q: If religion is destructive, why does James 1:27 say that “pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is [to care for orphans and widows]?” Even the Greek shows us that it is the same.
A: The Greek word that you are referring to, which is translated “religion” in most English Bibles carries with it more the idea of worship than a religious structure. When I speak of religion from the front, I am usually speaking of religious systems that exist to try and justify ourselves before God. I’m not referring to the true worship of God. James is pulling his imagery from the book of Isaiah and the book of Amos where God communicates to his people that He does not want their religious worship if they are not taking care of the poor and oppressed. So you might say, true worship in the sight of God is to care for the poor and downtrodden alongside offering our hearts and devotion to God; not to become justified before God, but because we are justified before God based on what Jesus has done. James is not using this word in the sense of saying that if you want to make yourself justified in the sight of God care for orphans and widows. He is saying that if you are truly justified before God you will do these things. It’s a sort of fruit or proof of your justification and not religion in the modern sense of the word.
Q: Why do you think God gave us this earth to rule over when He knew that He would destroy it little by little?
A: As far as I know, God does not destroy the earth little by little. Sin destroys the earth and humanity, in its fallen and sinful state, destroys the earth, but God does not. God’s ultimate plan is to renew the earth by recreating it as the new heavens and the new earth (see Romans 8). In the same way that Jesus is going to resurrect our bodies and give us a perfect one, Jesus is going to “resurrect” the earth and make it a perfect one.
Q: I see that it makes a laugh to talk about sex being the first commandment, but doesn’t it say “be fruitful” first? And isn’t it talking about the fruits of the spirit?A: I do not mention sex being God’s first command as a matter of comedy, although it is ironic, but as a matter of theology. When Genesis 1 talks about being fruitful, it is talking about sex and reproduction. You can see this when you look at the command to the animals and to the sea life that they, too, must be fruitful. And the result of being fruitful for animals and humans is to fill the earth. I’m glad that you’re thinking about the scriptures and comparing scripture with scripture, but this is a case where “fruit” in Genesis 1 means something completely different than “fruit” in Galatians 5 (fruit of the Spirit) and different than “fruit” in Genesis 2. Context determines the meaning of the word.
Q: If the Garden of Eden is an actual place, somewhere in the Middle East, why haven’t we found it?A: I think the answer is in ABC’s show Lost. Just kidding. Either God destroyed it, took it away or has hidden it so that we cannot find it.
Q: How can people be showing God, both Christians and non-Christians when they do horrible things?
A: All humans are created in the image of God and because of the fall all humans are afflicted and infected with sin. Christians are redeemed from the power of sin, but not yet the presence of sin. Christians are fallen and redeemed at the same time. Christians are forgiven and being transformed by the Spirit of God they are still capable of doing evil when they walk in disobedience to God. Non-Christians still bear the image of God, but sin by nature and choice and are not forgiven of sin. God offers to forgive and restore anyone who will turn to Jesus, but until Jesus comes back, all humans will struggle with sin. Humans show God through bearing the image of God, without even trying. All humans have within them traces of His goodness.
Q: According to the book of Genesis, how old is the earth?A: Come back on March 1st and we’re going to spend the whole service discussing creation, evolution and the age of the earth.
Q: I think environmentalism can go too far by worshipping the earth instead of God, the created instead of the Creator.
A: Not really a question, but good point.
Q: How can I show God and know God when I want to work with animals? How can I make and/or be a disciple when I want to work with animals?A: Sounds like my job. I would just say that I am sure that either through the church or through your job or through your interactions with people in other spheres of life you will have opportunity to make disciples.
Q: Why does God love us when no when else does?A: God loves you because He created you; He put His image in you and is offering to redeem you. God’s love is not conditional, but is based on his perfect will and affection. His love is not like the love of people.
Q: Could you clarify why God hated Esau? If God loves each of us, why does Psalm 5:4-5 state, “you hate all workers of iniquity”?A: There is a sense in which God loves all that He has created including humanity. Jesus says that God shows his love to the unrighteous by giving them rain and food and seasons (Matt. 5:43-48). Right before that Jesus tells us to love our enemies. There is even a sense that before you were saved by God that God hated you in your sin because God hates sins and so his hatred would extend to sinners. The paradox in the Bible is that God loves his enemies and redeems those whom he formally hated. Esau never came to God’s redemption and therefore remained in God’s hatred of sin and sinners. I do not know how the love of God and God’s hate for sin connects, but I know they exist side by side and in God’s infinite mind they co-exist just fine. We have to be okay with the mysteries in scripture.