Jesus Christ also proves his preeminence by being a reconciler. Because of the previous effects of the work of Christ on the cross, Christians have reconciliation with God. Paul tells us in Colossians 1:20 that anything that is reconciled to God is reconciled through Jesus Christ and his cross. All things that are on earth or in heaven are reconciled by the death of Jesus Christ to God from the effects of the fall—rocks, trees, stars, solar systems—all are reconciled to God through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. But most profoundly, Colossians 1:21 tells us that Jesus Christ reconciles unholy humanity to the holy God ”in his body of flesh by his death” making them holy and reconciled to God.
Christian, one of the most unfathomable parts about this is the fact that we, too, are reconcilers. Our Savior reconciled us that we may return the favor. Paul even goes as far as to call us "ministers of reconciliation" in the book of 2 Corinthians. I have to ask you: are you even aware of your calling? Are you breathing it? Are you pleading with the lost to be reconciled to God?
If you have yet to put your faith in Christ, I ask you this: are you aware of your need? Do you feel and experience the effects of the fall—death, disease, pain, injustice—and long for a solution? I ask that you consider Jesus. Consider the fact that he desires to reconcile you to God the Father. Consider how that could change everything. Think about it.
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