Jesus also proves his preeminence by being resurrected on our behalf (Colossians 1:18). Jesus is the first fruits of God's resurrection and physical redemption of humanity. It is through Jesus Christ’s resurrection that everything will have resurrection in the future. “The New Age initiated by Christ’s death and resurrection constitutes nothing less than the new order of human life in Christ, the essential ingredient of which is victory over death in its various expressions.”[1] Jesus is the first fruits of the resurrection for humanity providing humanity with the ability to resurrect through Him. Christians are united to Christ in his resurrection “in which you were also raised with him” (Colossians 1:12).
To the skeptic, this sounds ludicrous. How is the resurrection even possible? If it was possible, how does the resurrection of a man who lived and died (and lived) 2,000 years ago have any impact on the world today? The reality is that—without the resurrection—there is no basis for the Christian faith. (See 1 Corinthians 15) The resurrection is our only hope that Jesus has conquered death and sin and all its forms. The fact that Jesus died and rose again guarantees that all he says is true. The fact that Jesus died and rose again ensures death will never hold us. The death and resurrection of Jesus paves the way for the Holy Spirit to dwell in us, which empowers us for daily victory in the war against sin. Did you know that the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in those who believe in Jesus? (Romans 8:11) That's more power and strength and provision than you could ever imagine. Yet, how often do we, as believers, ignore the reality of the power of the resurrection in our lives? We turn the greatest something into the greatest nothing—through unbelief. No wonder the gospel seems powerless to so many.
The resurrection does mean something—today, tomorrow and forever—and without it, we're deader than dead. I hope we're not living like its nothing.
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