The final area where the work of Christ in Colossians was proven preeminent was in his work of sending his people for Mission. After the work of the cross and subsequent resurrection, Jesus immediately sent the Church on its mission: the work of preaching the Gospel. Jesus’ mission purchases and empowers the mission of the church. Here are some examples:
- Colossians 1:1—Jesus sent Paul as an apostle or “sent one” of Christ. Epaphras is the faithful of Minister of Jesus Christ (1:7).
- Colossians 1:9—Paul prays that the Colossians would be filled with the knowledge of the will of Christ for the sending of mission.
- Colossians 4:7 and 4:12—Tychicus and Epaphras are referred to as “servant[s] of the Lord” and “servant[s] of Jesus Christ“ (respectively) because they are active members of the mission of Jesus Christ.
- Colossians 4:17—Paul tells Archippus to “See that [he] fulfill[s] [his] ministry in the Lord.” the Ministry of the saints is a ministry in Jesus Christ because they are sent by Jesus Christ, to proclaim Jesus Christ, in the power of the Spirit of Christ.
Jesus is the preeminent missionary and equips us to be sent, also. Christian, do you believe that you are a "sent one?" Do you believe that the knowledge you have received from him is for that purpose? Are you actively participating in what Jesus has going on? It's all too easy to forget that the preeminent one blesses us with salvation in order that we may proclaim him, "warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ." (Colossians 1:28)
It's my hope that—if Colossians has taught us anything—we will embody the gospel of the preeminent Christ, who is working powerfully within us and through us. May he be first—until the last.
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